Domains 101

Have you been toying around with the idea of registering a domain name so that you can finally get started on that website of yours where you share wonderful stories and pictures of puppies? If you answered yes to that question but just haven't been able to get around to registering your domain name you might want to read our website first before you go out and get your domain name picked out.

Domains, commonly referred to as domain names, are, basically, ways to identify either an Internet Protocol (IP), a personal computer accessing the internet, a server hosting a web site, or a website itself. Most people use the term domain name when identifying the latter and top-level domains like .org, .net, and .com.

The first thing anybody does once they know they want to create a website is choose their domain name. The most common type of domain websites is a .com domain.You will want to come up with a creative domain name related to the theme and content of your site. One simple choice is to use - an ideal selection if your brand is well recognized, like or Amazon. If, on the other hand, your site will focus on a particular product or service, but you're not necessarily the number one player in the market, you may be fortunate enough to register a domain name that perfectly describes what your company does, like,, and ADHD Therapist

You will also want to come up with around 3 to 5 alternate domain names just in case you come to find that your original choice has already been registered and you can't use it. There are millions of websites in the world, and even though you can use any domain name you want, your top choice could very well already be taken.

Once you have your list of domain names for your website you'll want to log onto a domain name registration website such as Go Daddy ( Once there you can look at the prices and options of what it will cost to register your domain name, as well as searching to see if your domain name already exists or if you're free to take it. Once you do all that you can choose your domain name registration package and, voila, your domain name has been registered!

It really is as simple as that. Just remember that if you only choose a one year domain name registration package that you will have to renew your domain name ever year or risk losing it, which could lead to someone else buying up your domain name. If you don't want that to happen and want your website to be yours forever, then keep tabs of your domain renewal date. You will get a reminder message when it's time to renew, but they so often get missed, it's best to be responsible and keep track yourself.

Now that you've read our little Domains 101 article about what domains are, how to register for one and what domains you can use, it's about time you finally get started on creating a website, whether it's for yourself, your business or a friend of yours!

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